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                   ......good health support


My introduction to long-term nutrition supplementation came when I'd temporarily lost the use of my hands and arms.   From being told I would be on pain-killers and steroids for the rest of my life with no guarantee of any use returning I naturally opted for the supplement route....and within 4 months I was driving my car again.

I personally do not recommend any product line to my clients, I'd not used myself.    Personal experience is an advantage, but really, some products don't need to be 'sold'.


Most of us are well aware of the deterioration of our natural food supply.

Chemical fertilization; un-ripe harvesting; artificial ripening; radiation to stop ripening; refrigeration; plastic packaging et al.....and let's not get into the whole GMO debacle.    Nothing of the above shouts Nutrition on any level.


Food to many is all about taste, and we [the older generation] know fruit and veg do not taste anything near what they did when we where's no wonder today's youth rarely eat anything not smothered in sauce or has added colourants and flavourants [all chemical].

So nutrition is not seen to be important on the surface.  However when one takes into consideration how food /nutrition affects so much more than the physical body; it then makes perfect sense to look more deeply at what is being consumed.

Bottom line, parents teach children how to and what to eat.  In that monkey see, monkey do scenario....many children of today are very badly nourished and parents are challenged as to what to do.  


People often ask if supplementation is really necessary....and without doubt, it is!   Not only is it necessary, but it's become vital for good health; what with all the other toxins our body's have to put up with. 

Toxins and chemicals that are in our water; toxic chemicals in our food; toxic air; toxins in soap, creams, lotions etc.... 

Toxins are everywhere!

In today's world - 2021 and Covid, it is prudent to ensure a healthy immune system.

Making sure your body has all the nutrients it needs to fight off the viruses and bacteria that  compromise good health.   



Although bottom line....natural, fresh, organic is ALWAYS the recommended preference; YOUNG LIVIING is truly focused on natural health with products supplying the highest nutrient level possible.  

This is truly wonderful as the body now actually assimilates and uses almost everything of the supplement you ingest.

The amazing thing is, the body is given what it needs to repair and maintain itself with all the regular chemical structures one would normally find in nature.


So when looking for excellent health, one naturally wants the best, high quality products available. In today's hectic world, most people don't have the time to mix specific potions /concoctions to eat and drink, much less get to grips with ALL that one needs to actually know about health food combinations. It is wonderful we have very special people dedicated to that - who want the best for everyone,  who have a focus on health, the best way it can be, delivered in the most convenient format.


One however needs to be VERY conscious of what company one supports.

There is the old adage which is just as true and relevant today as ever before " You get exactly what you pay for "   You need to look at what you and your good health is worth to you....and your family.

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